Dedication picture 1923 of synagogue.jpg
Social event Max Jaffe Hall March 26, 1953.jpg

History of First Congregation Sons of Israel

  • In the late 1800s, the congregation’s first families came from Russia and Eastern Europe to settle in St. Augustine.

  • In 1908, the congregation was chartered with the State of Florida.

  • Religious services were held in members’ homes until a synagogue was constructed.

  • Under the leadership of Rabbi Jacob Tarlinsky and his wife, Dora, the synagogue was dedicated in 1923 with the completion and first service on March 30, 1924.

  • In 1958, the beautiful historic stained glass windows were obtained and installed in the sanctuary by Rabbi Jacob and Mrs. Dora Tarlinsky’s three daughters (Sarah Bernstein, Florence Feiden, and Lena Lichter).

  • In the summer of 2013, the windows underwent a much needed restoration. This was done by Ken Hardeman, the great-grandson of the original window artist.

  • In late August of 2018, the sanctuary was reopened after restoration and repairs of damage from two hurricanes was completed.